Tuesday 10 January 2012

Mrs. Blake and her Wonderful Tales

Today, both Lorna, Project Worker, and Jack, Lead Volunteer, had an engaging interview with former South Street Methodist Youth Club leader, Susan Blake. Before closing in the early 70's Mrs. Blake recalled tales which involved over-excited volunteers jumping with joy watching the 1966 World Cup, camping trips, productions of original pantomimes with original music from a talented former member who became a gold disc musician, quiz wins and many young people she has had the pleasure of seeing progress and go on to live successful lives. Her husband, Phillip Blake, now deceased, was involved as preacher in the Dorchester Methodist circuit and appointed leader of the club. As the interview progressed, both interviewers were astounded by the depth and diligence in maintaining historical items which will certainly be welcomed by the Dorset History Centre and the Dorset Young Remembers Project who will assist Susan Blake in depositing this valuable collection into the County archive for posterity.
Susan - prior to running the club

Listening to 70's prog rock L.P. of former club member  Graham  Stansfield

Archiving with Susan Blake

Volunteer Jack Welch and Susan Blake

With so much exciting information and detail, both Lorna and Jack went back to meet Mrs. Blake for a second time to investigating further the archive she possesses. This was a very fruitful meeting and they will arrange for the whole group and Pippa from the Dorset County Museum to take a look, with the idea of including the material in our exhibition.

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