Thursday 12 July 2012

The Big Museum Takeover - Week 2, Day 2

The Writing's on the Board

By Jack Welch, Volunteer Press Officer

Boards at last! Lee, Edward and Rosie
unwrap the biggest presents
Pippa oversees the cabinet display is
just right.
After yesterday's chaotic spell of getting the general preparation of the exhibition ready, the team at DYR found it best that the groups should be much more concentrated and focused on the points that need to be finished. It was a later start from the group that morning and already the largest cabinet was filled with all sorts of eye-catching objects, including a suspended baton and mace, courtesy of our Majorette youth clubs. It was very exciting to see all our decisions now coming visually together and some of the smaller features of this exhibition standing out very well amongst all the bigger displays around. Dotted along the wall, pieces of written descriptions and printed photographs were temporarily stationed for their final positioning. It was great to see the photographs looking so well upon our bright coloured walls and it's all the more hopeful to see their final result will not disappoint. As Lorna made some of the finishing touches to the labels (what a lengthy process!), Susan Blake once again made an appearance to give some valuable vinyl records from a fellow youth club member who managed to make the big time in the music industry. See for yourself from Saturday! Liz and Jack, on the computer, received interesting tips from a fellow member of staff at the museum about the nature of press releases. It's not as straightforward as they sound! After finishing the blog from the last week, they settled down to write a statement for the newspapers that will hopefully attract public attention. It didn't turn out to be very easy and the afternoon was spent in editing and altering the words on just one sheet alone.
The layering of number continues (Lee's

There was some very positive developments during the day and the group had now finally received the blown up posters, after those many tiring weeks it took to produce at Routes. The result turned out to be very impressive and credit must go to Edward, who was largely the one who spent most of the hours putting in the manual elbow-grease to see that they were finished. Talking about the process overall, he commented "It's absolutely marvelous to see the end result. It was difficult with all the changes we had to make, but it was worth it in the end." Later on during the day, the television was at last ready to attach onto the wall, unfortunately this came at a heavy price with the loud drilling disturbing the next exhibition and not well liked by some of our volunteers. To round off the day, Izzy and Eliza came round to decorate our display cabinets and though it was just as nerve-wracking to meet our deadlines, the day was much more relaxed than some others.